Tuesday, March 24, 2009

peace love and chaos

this has been a crazy semester, and somehow my life seems to still be gaining momentum
i feel like i am on a precipice, always on the verge of loosing my balance
when is it going to slow down, when can i catch a breath?

there is so much happening, so many life changing events
after this thursday i will not see my sister for another nine months
my chilean friends that have been living at my house for the past 4 months i might not see ever again
i have no idea what i want to do with my summer
i have a chance to work in new york, am i strong enough to handle it?

and yet i look back and feel so blessed with my life
i feel that i am surrounded by true friends, something i could not have said a few years ago
i am comfortable with who i am, something i could not have said a few months ago
i have faith that everything will work out, something i could not have said a few weeks ago

so for right now i am ok with living from one running club event to the next
to drive my sister to the airport and say good bye, at least for now
to wait patiently for the next time i can see my best friend
and to live my life to the fullest, always in danger of loosing control
but thats where i want to be
and thats where i am


  1. i love you and i miss you so so so much!! and i really like your blog you cutie :)
